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through SMGI®

Are you ready to release your past? Traumatic events, a heavy family lineage, difficult childhood, narcissistic parent or partner, addiction, codependent relationships - all leave a deep energetic imprint. These create loops of negative self talk, trapped emotions of shame, guilt and unworthiness and a profound false belief that we are alone, and stuck. These imprints and karmic cycles all leave embedded neuropathways that keep us in these cycles and low frequency, even after the circumstances and relationships have ended.


After personally spending years and years doing every type of therapy, EFT and EMDR- and it not working in healing my trauma- this beautiful healing method, SMGI®was my answer. I first experienced this powerful modality, SMGI®, by attending an immersive retreat. Those 4 days deeply changed my understanding of how emotional/trauma healing can happen. So much so, that I have since become certified and now use this healing modality to swiftly and easily clear trauma with my clients. SMGI® works gently and effectively, with everyone and with every session. I believe it holds all, and can change our world…


Somatic Mindful Guided Imagery™ is a profound and accessible approach rooted in ancient wisdom and indigenous practices; validated by modern research and evidence-based healing methods. A uniquely effective system, SMGI® is informed by a curated combination of shamanism, hypnosis, parts work, inner child work, guided imagery, meditation, and somatic, body-centered exploration and discovery, that is quickly, gently and profoundly healing. This then allows for returning of soul fragments and reintegration and realignment of one's soul. SMGI® has the power to free you from subconscious blocks and make your dreams accomplishable. Things that you may not even remember – or have dismissed as not important, have left imprints in the neural pathways. This work helps you feel stronger and freer by connecting to your inner strengths, clearing away what hurts and reconnecting to what you got disconnected from in the stresses of overwhelming events (trauma) - harnessing the power of the subconscious and superconscious, with mind-body tools to relieve stress, pain and anxiety; change unwanted habits, and feel peaceful, confident and empowered. It results in freedom, ease and pleasure in the intensely exquisite human experience. Clients (and their therapists) have seen years and years of healing done in a matter of weeks and months - using SMGI®.  This work is most profound and effective when done consecutively one or two weeks apart

SMGI session /1.75 hrs/105 minutes each - $400


"After doing 3 sessions of SMGI® with Michelle, I was in awe of how much better by my life had become. I was happy, and that was unusual for me. Everyone noticed. So then I did 3 more sessions, and I felt freer and capable of pretty much anything I wanted. It was amazing, AGAIN. Now I am doing 3 more sessions - because I just want more and more of this. Where has this modality been - and why is every therapist not using this?? I am forever grateful I now have it."

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