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There is a deep and guttural calling out to you, from your soul - that cannot, will not, be ignored. It is yearning, rather demanding, that you can no longer wait to be realigned, brought back to who you are and what you came here to do. Now is the time for lightworkers, to have that much needed soul + human merge -so that the true reason you came here, can finally be brought forth. Which is to stand atop rubble, releasing old ways, old broken systems to usher in new healing, new freedom, new abundance, new systems - A New Earth. You are meant to be the visionary, the lamp lighter, the way shower - lighting the path to a new paradigm. If you are one of those people who has felt this calling, yearning and craving and desire - to reveal, release, rewild, reclaim who you are, and who you came here to be, then Calling You Home Higher Guidance Coaching is for you. It cannot be done alone. I could not do it alone. You cannot do it alone and your future clients cannot do it alone. There is a natural order in which the Universe brings us those we need, and those we need to help, directly to us. If you are reading this, then chances are, you are meant for this path of upleveling on a grand scale, right now.
If you know that there is a healing modality from within you that needs to be shared with the world. If you know that you have a vision or an inkling or a product or service or something that you have been literally dying to bring to this world - Now is the time and this coaching can help you bring this forward and into your reality.
Calling You Home Higher Guidance Coaching is done in a very unique and specific way - that is not like any other coaching. It is done from inside your own Akashic Records. It means that you are given clarity and directive, a container and structure, as directed from your team - and channeled through me. Your team is comprised of the Council of light, Ascended Masters and your own Oversoul and any other sentient beings who have been assigned to you from birth in this life or other lifetimes.
What are some other ways in which you are supported? We also use deep hypnosis as a process to remove those subconscious limiting beliefs and that old patterning and the old neuropathways. Hypnosis is a profound path to rapid change. We are dropping one reality while we are bringing in another. This is inner alchemy and this works.
What do we suggest as far as an amount of time? A proper minimum commitment would be 2 months depending on how quickly and robustly you take this on. Based on my experience of this work and its impact on clients, most people continue this longterm because there is a very real and magnetic process that happens when working in union with higher guidance from Source, there is a high speed of success and propelling that happens when you are in the resonance and frequency with the Universe. Alignment is all, and accounts for all success, abundance and ease in this world. If these words have activated something in you, it is because this is meant for you.
Reach out to to apply for a coaching position.
“Coaching with Michelle, using the quantum field, has propelled the launch of my business so significantly, and quickly. It's like everything is just unfolding in front of me, the alignment is solidly present in each step. It's like having an executive board and expert advice. I've been doing this weekly for 5 months and its magic."
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